Saturday, November 29, 2014

Answers for hard-working learners

Can you translate these sentences back into German?

Translation practice (pg 16)
Superman Logo Royal Blue Pullover Hoodie1.       „Where’s/Where is my blue pullover ?“ „ In the wardrobe.“
            'Wo ist mein blauer Pullover? Im Kleiderschrank.'
2.       Amy sometimes sits on the floor.
           Amy sitzt manchmal auf dem Fussboden.
3.       Susans works in a bank in the city centre/in the centre of the city.
            Susan arbeitet in einer Bank im Zentrum der Stadt.
4.       In(the summer) we often sit on our balcony.
           Im Sommer sitzen wir oft auf unserem Balkon.
5.       When does your plane land?  I can pick you up at the airport.
            Wann landet deine Maschine? Ich kann dich am Flughafen abholen.
6.       Where’s/Where is David ?  He isn’t at his desk. Wo ist David?
            Er ist nicht an seinem Schreibtisch.
7.       We were in Spain in May and (we)swam in the sea.
            Wir waren im Mai in Spanien und haben im Meer gebadet.
8.       We waited a long time at the traffic lights. (oder) We waited at the 
            traffic lights for a long time.
          Wir haben lange in der Ampel gewartet.
9.       ‘How do you know that ?’ ‚I read it in the (newspaper) yesterday.‘
           Woher Weiss du das?  Ich habe es gestern in der Zeitung gelesen.
10.   The room is at the end of the corridor.
         Das Zimmer ist am Ende des Ganges.
11.   I saw an accident on the way/my way home.
         Ich habe auf dem Weg nach Hause einen Unfall gesehen.

Key        page 17
Grammar  Practice
3. What colour is it ?
4. What time did you get up ?
5. What type of music do you like ?
6. What kind of car do you want (to buy)?

3. Which
4. What
5. Which
6. What 
7. Which
8. Who
9. What
10. Which
11. What
How + high/long/often
2. How far is it to the station?
3. How old is Helen?
4. How often do the buses run?
5. How deep is the water in the pool?
6. How long have you lived here?


1. How tall are you?

2. How heavy is this box ?
3. How old are you ?
4. How much did you spend ?
5. How often do you watch TV?
6. How far is from  Paris to Moscow?

Translations: Now see if you can translate them back into German.

1.       What’s/What is that ?

2.       What colour is your car ?

3.       How old are your children ?

4.       How often do you go tt he theatre?

5.       What kind of/sort of films do you like?

6.       How tall is Michael?

7.       How far is it to the centre?

8.       There are two coats here.  Which is yours? (oder) Here are two coats….

9.       What’s/What ist he highest mountain in the world?

10.   Which do you like- the green or the red dress?

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Holiday: a holy or festive day; a day off, vacation (also sacred)

Expressions: Holy Cow! Literally true in India.

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