Friday, October 11, 2019

25 Different Ways to Say “Said” - Part 1

Learning a language is not just learning grammar and making sure that you reproduce the words in the correct order. Vocabulary is important, too. Within vocabulary, having a large number of words available to express a thought is important both to be precise and to add variety to your communication.

In English, people often use the word “said” to report what someone has said. But English is a rich language with hundreds of other verbs to get this idea across. In this article, we will introduce you to 25 alternatives to use instead of “said”, complete with meaning and example sentences. Try to incorporate them into your own English and see how others will praise your efforts! 

Direct and Reported Speech in English 
In English, when someone says something, you have two options to share that information. You can do so using direct speech or reported speech. Since this article is about vocabulary, we do not need to go too deep into the grammar. You have probably already learned the grammar in your online English course or in-person course. Here is a quick review!  

Direct speech records exactly what was said, using quotation marks. For example:
“I need to go to the bathroom,” said the child. Reported speech gets rid of the quote marks and reports what was said. In reported speech, the previous sentence would be: The child said she needed to go to the bathroom. But how did the child feel as she spoke? Happy? Sad? Angry?

In any language, we often find ourselves saying what others have said. That is why we have gathered this collection of different ways to say “said” so that you can add some emotion to your language. 

What They Said 
This collection of words to say “said” are excellent ways to report what someone else has said while adding a bit of extra information about how they said it.

When we say that something is true but in a confident way, we affirm it. 
“There will be no pay increases until next year,” affirmed our boss. 

This is when we say or accuse someone of doing something wrong, even though they have not yet been proven guilty. 
The eyewitness alleged that the robber had a blue jumper on. 

This is when something is made known in a public or formal way. 
The government has just announced that it will increase public spending next month.
This can be a written or spoken statement that expresses an opinion about someone or something. 
“I loved your speech!” Sarah commented to Dave. 

When we wish to openly and freely express who we are or something we have done, we can use this verb. 
“I am a Spice Girls fan,” confessed Rebecca. 

If we wish to make certain information available to someone, we can use this verb. 
“It’s going to be a difficult week,” divulged James to Bryan.

This verb is perfect for when we want to give more details about something or to be more specific about a certain part of something. My boss elaborated that next month’s budget must be ready by Tuesday. 

By using this verb, the speaker is effectively promising that what they say is a fact or is being promised. “It’s an offer you can’t turn down,” guaranteed my boss. 

If we want to say something to give a piece of information in a direct or indirect way, we can use this verb.
David hinted to his sister that she might receive a good present for her birthday. 

If someone mentions something, they do it in a subtle way to suggest something to the person that they are speaking to. 
Kyle mentioned that he would like to do something fun for his birthday

Said With Feeling 
To say what emotion was used when speaking, there are a number of wonderful verbs to do so. 

This is a common way to say things when people are in love, as it means to say something in an enthusiastic, loving way. 
“I love you,” gushed Stephanie to her boyfriend. 

Implored Generally, if we want someone to think hard about our advice, we could use this verb as it means to say something as a serious or emotional request. 
“You have to do what is best for you,” implored Michael. 

When someone wishes to say something in a forceful way that does not allow for any disagreement, then this verb can be used. 
“I didn’t do it!” insisted the suspect to the police. 

Jeered is often used in the context of sports because it means to shout insulting words at someone. 
“Boo!” jeered the crowd when the player on the opposite team scored a goal. 

Using “moaned” in place of “said” implies that someone is trying to express unhappiness about a particular situation or occurrence. 
The children moaned that it wasn’t fair after all their toys were confiscated by the teacher.

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Holiday: a holy or festive day; a day off, vacation (also sacred)

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