Resolution #1: Learn to manage your time better.

Resolution #2: Make sure to use sunscreen.

Resolution #3: Give up smoking.

Resolution #4: Start a blog.

Resolution #5: Learn to eat healthier.

Resolution #6: Try to lose the weight.

Resolution #7: Start saving for the future.

Resolution #8: Listen to your mother.

Resolution #9: Stick to your exercise plan.

Idea #10: Do your part to help the environment.

Idea #11: Learn to cook.

Idea #12: Cut down on drinking.

Idea #13: Try to keep a positive attitude.

Idea #14: Make time for your favorite activities.

Idea #15: Help people in need.

Resolution #2: Make sure to use sunscreen.
Resolution #3: Give up smoking.
Resolution #4: Start a blog.
Resolution #5: Learn to eat healthier.
Resolution #6: Try to lose the weight.
Resolution #7: Start saving for the future.
Resolution #8: Listen to your mother.
Resolution #9: Stick to your exercise plan.
Idea #10: Do your part to help the environment.
Idea #11: Learn to cook.
Idea #12: Cut down on drinking.
Idea #13: Try to keep a positive attitude.
Idea #14: Make time for your favorite activities.
Idea #15: Help people in need.