Tell and say have the same meaning, but they are used differently:

a lie your name
the truth sorry
the time a prayer
a joke/story something
the difference between two things thank you/hello/goodbye
someone what to do yes /no
Tell always needs a personal object in a sentence:
He told me a lie.
I told him to stop shouting
Say doesn’t need a personal object, but “to + personal object” can be added at the end of necessary:
He said sorry (to me).
Compare these two sentences (which both mean the same):
He told me something.
He said something (to me).
We use sayin direct speech:
He said, “Hello.”
________the time ________the truth
________ a prayer ________hello
________your name ________a lie
________something ________a joke
________sorry ________a story
________the difference ________the police the story
________yes ________someone a secret
________a story