Monday, June 15, 2015

People & Physical Descriptions

1 child-children, 2 baby/infant, 3 toddler, 4 boy, 5 girl
6 teenager, 7 adult, 8 man-men, 9 woman-women
10 senior citizen/elderly person

11 young, 12 middle-aged, 13 old/elderly
14 tall, 15 average height, 16 short

17 heavy, 18 average weight, 19 thin/slim
20 pregnant, 21 physically challenged, 22 vision impaired
23 hearing impaired

1. children
2. baby
3. toddler
4. 6-year-old boy
5. 10-year-old girl
6. teenagers
7. 13-year-old boy
8. 19-year-old girl
9. adults
10. woman
11. man
12. senior citizen
13. young
14. middle-aged
15. elderly
16. tall
17. average height
18. short
19. pregnant
20. heavyset
21. average weight
22. thin/ slim

Growing up
Age       Stage
0- 1 approximately a baby
1- 2 a toddler
2- 12 approximately a child – this period is your childhood
13-17 approximately a teenager (14 = early teens)
18 + an adult
20-30 in your twenties (24-26 = mid twenties)
30-40 in your thirties (38 = late thirties)
40+ people are middle-aged; in middle age
60 or 65 retirement (= when people stop work; they are retired)
75+ old age (you can also use elderly)
18 months; before they can walka baby
2—10 or 11a child
children (plural)
13 about 17a teenager or a young person
young people (plural)
18 >an adult
about 45 - 60a middle-aged person
65  >an elderly man or woman (more polite than old)
Note: For boys, the period between 14-17 approximately (slightly younger for girls) is called adolescence, in law you are an adult at the age of 18, but many people think of you as an adult when you leave school.



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Word of the Month


(adj): Sacred, divine, blessed.

Holiday: a holy or festive day; a day off, vacation (also sacred)

Expressions: Holy Cow! Literally true in India.

Ex: Holly Mackerel! Delicious, healthy and full of mercury.

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