Wednesday, February 4, 2015

During, for, or since?

The prepositions during, for, since and while are often used with time expressions; they are used to say how long something took. However, we use them with different time words. Let's take a look at the difference in usage between the prepositions.

How to use during

During is a preposition, which is used before a noun (during + noun) to say when something happens. Sometimes it means for all the time, and sometimes it means for just a part of the time. It does not tell us how long it happened.

For example:

· "Nobody spoke during the presentation."

· "We get plenty of snow here during the winter."

· “My grandmother worked in the USA during the war.”

· “I heard a strange noise during the night.”

How to use while

When is used to talk about two things that are happening at the same time. The length of time is not important. Remember that while is used with a subject and a verb (while + subject + verb).

For example:

· "The phone rang while I was watching TV."

· "I met him while we were studying in the library."

How to use for
For is a preposition which is used with a period to say how long something goes on. This preposition is mainly used when we say the number of hours, days, months, etc. We also use it in expressions like “for ages” and “for a long time”.

For example:

· "Simon has been sleeping for 8 hours."

· "We waited for 30 minutes outside your house."

· “I’m going to live in France for 2 years.”

· “I sat down for 5 minutes.”

· “I’ve worked here for 3 months.”

How to use since
We use since when we say when something started (for instance when stating the starting point: Tuesday, 2008, midnight). We only use since with perfect tenses – when something started in the past and is still true now.

For example:

· I've lived here since October.

· I'd known Sam since 1999.

· I’ve been working here for 6 years.

· I’ve been working here since I left university.

Read and correct those sentences with mistakes:

1. We were waiting during five hours.

2. What are you doing in the weekend?

3. I’ve been whiling my time away.

4. It’s so beautiful in the park on summer.

5. We woke up on dawn because of all the mosquitoes!

6. I always go out Friday nights, for its the weekend.

7. During the holidays I’ll likely forget what I’ve learned since I won’t be studying.

8. It’s very noisy on the night in this street.

9. I’ll see you next Friday, in the festival.

10. What in the world is that for?

Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences:

1. I've been meaning to call you ___ some time.

2. He fell asleep ___ the meeting.

3.We all stayed inside ___ the storm.

4. Someone stole my bag ___ I was riding on the train.

5. The dog was barking ___ she was trying to watch TV.

6. Please don't smoke ___ I'm eating.

7. Bats sleep ___ the day.

8.They've been out of the office ___ ages.

9. He kept talking to me ___ I was trying to read.

10. His mobile-phone rang twice ___ the film.

11. I’m going to get my hair but ___ the summer holidays.

12. I’m going on holiday ___ two weeks.

13.I’ve been studying English ___ 4 years.

14. I’ve been studying Japanese ___ 2009.

15. I slept ___ the film.

16. I slept ___ 7 hours last night.

17. I’ve known Sarah ___ last September.

18.I’ve known Sarah ___ a long time.

19. I got a phone call ___ the meeting.

20. It rained ___ hours last night.

21. I was born ___ a thunderstorm.

22. I saw 3 film ___ the flight to Poland.

23.I haven’t seen Andrew ___ yesterday.

For answers, scroll on cheating though!

Answer Key
1. We were waiting during five hours. FOR

2. What are you doing in the weekend? FOR

3. I’ve been whiling my time away. CORRECT

4. It’s so beautiful in the park on summer. DURING

5. We woke up on dawn because of all the mosquitoes! DURING

6. I always go out Friday nights, for its the weekend. SINCE

7. During the holidays I’ll likely forget what I’ve learned since I won’t be studying. CORRECT

8. It’s very noisy on the night in this street. DURING

9. I’ll see you next Friday, in for the festival. FOR

10. What in the world is that for? CORRECT

1. I've been meaning to call you FOR some time.

2. He fell asleep DURING the meeting.

3.We all stayed inside DURING the storm.

4. Someone stole my bag WHILE I was riding on the train.

5. The dog was barking WHILE she was trying to watch TV.

6. Please don't smoke WHILE I'm eating.

7. Bats sleep DURING the day.

8.They've been out of the office FOR ages.

9. He kept talking to me WHILE I was trying to read.

10. His mobile-phone rang twice DURING the film.

11. I’m going to get my hair done FOR the summer holidays.

12. I’m going on holiday FOR two weeks.

13.I’ve been studying English FOR 4 years.

14. I’ve been studying Japanese SINCE 2009.

15. I slept DURING the film.

16. I slept FOR 7 hours last night.

17. I’ve known Sarah SINCE last September.

18.I’ve known Sarah FOR a long time.

19. I got a phone call DURING the meeting.

20. It rained FOR hours last night.

21. I was born DURING a thunderstorm.

22. I saw 3 films DURING the flight to Poland.

23.I haven’t seen Andrew SINCE yesterday.



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Word of the Month


(adj): Sacred, divine, blessed.

Holiday: a holy or festive day; a day off, vacation (also sacred)

Expressions: Holy Cow! Literally true in India.

Ex: Holly Mackerel! Delicious, healthy and full of mercury.

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