Saturday, February 27, 2016

German to English Time (level A2)

This exercise is from the PV.III. Handbook
Word order is key to translating(and speaking the language of course!)
Give it a try?

Ich esse jeden Tag einen Apfel.       I eat an apple every day.

 1.Ich höre jeden Tag Radio. ______________________________________________

2.Wir wollen nächstes Wochenende in die Berge fahren.(fahren=go/drive)


3.Anna ist jeden Tag um acht Uhr bei der Arbeit. ___________________________

4. Ich habe gestern meine Handtasche im Bus gelassen. ______________________
5. Jean and Mike fahren jeden Sommer nach Irland. _________________________

6.Jim's Vater ist im Krankenhaus.__________________________________________

7.Wir sind um sieben Uhr am Flughafen angekommen.  _______________________

Now scroll down.

1.       I listen to the radio every day.

2.       We would like(want) to go to the mountains next weekend.

3.       Anna goes to work at 8:00 every day.(Anna is at work at 8:00)

4.       I Left my handbag in the bus yesterday.

5.       Jean and Mike go to Ireland every summer.

6.       Jim’s father is in hospital.

7.       We arrived at the airport at 7:00.



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Word of the Month


(adj): Sacred, divine, blessed.

Holiday: a holy or festive day; a day off, vacation (also sacred)

Expressions: Holy Cow! Literally true in India.

Ex: Holly Mackerel! Delicious, healthy and full of mercury.

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