Monday, April 13, 2015

Past Simple Spring Time Exercises

Regular verbs
Most verbs get –ed
v  work – worked

Spelling ruled to add -ed
Add –d- when the verb ends in –e-
>  bake – baked
Add –ied- to the verb when the verb ends in –y- and before the –y- there is a consonant. You must also drop the –y- before adding –ied.
>  cry- cried
You do not drop the
 –y- and add –ied- if there is a vowel (a-e-i-o-u) before the –y. Then you simply add –ed-
>  play – played
Add the last consonant + ed when the three last letters of a verb are as follows : consonant – vowel – consonant.
>  stop –stopped
You do not add the last consonant if they are- x-w-y-z-
>  chew- chewed

Irregular verbs
Learn the following verbs
be – was/were
bring – brought
buy – bought
come – came
draw - drew
drink – drank
drive – drove
eat – ate
fall – fell
find – found
give – gave
go – went
have – had
hear – heard
know – knew
leave – left
make – made
put –put
read – read
ride – rode
run – ran
say – said
see – saw
sing – sang
sit – sat
sleep – slept
spend – spent
sweep -swept
swim – swam
take – took
teach - taught
tell – told
wear – wore
win – won
write - wrote

Clue words for the Past Simple
Yesterday (..) - He studied for the test yesterdaynight .
Last …………….. - You read that book lastmonth.
A …………..ago   – I ate an apple a while ago.

Change the following verbs to the past form
1) have – _________    11) judge - _________   21) buy- __________
2) drip –  _________   12) mix -  _________     22) skip - ________
3) copy – _________   13) drink -  _________   23) sweep - _______
4) beg –   _________   14) move -  _________  24) thank - _______
5) give - _________    15) wish - _________    25) teach - _______
6) ride- __________   16) cry- __________    26) write - _______
7) spend - _________ 17) smile - _________   27) chew - ________
8) look - __________  18) hear - _________   28) know - ________ 
9) use - -__________  19) win - __________   29 ) sit - _________
10) put - __________ 20) pet - __________   30 ) say - _________

Put the verbs in the Past Simple tense.
1) My grandma (bake) ____________ some cookies last week.
2) His brother (go) ___________ on a field trip a week ago.
3) Mom (mix) __________ the ingredients a moment ago.
4) This girl (knit) _________ a long scarf last winter.
5) My teacher (teach) __________ us the Past Simple yesterday.
6) This dog (bark) ___________ all last night.
7) The saleslady (find)___________ the lost shirt a moment ago.
8) My family (drive) ____________ to the beach yesterday.
9) These pupils (be) ___________ late a lesson ago.
10) The little boy (draw) _________ a nice picture yesterday.
11) His dad (tell) __________ him the sad news a moment ago.
12) My dog (chew) __________ on his big bone a while ago.
13) Their neighbor (win) _________ the lottery last month.
14) I (swim) __________ in the cold water last spring.
15) Her sister (stop) __________ her work a moment ago.
16) The kids ( visit) __________ this old lady yesterday.
17) The birds (sit) __________ on that branch last time.
18) Your family (have) _________ a party last night.
19) The animals (run) __________ around the yard yesterday.
20) She (write) __________ him a love letter last night.

Spring cleaning
   It is spring again. Flowers bloom everywhere and all the trees have new green leaves. And we have … spring cleaning!
  Last week we all (help) 1)___________ our mom around the house. Dad (tidy) 2) ___________ the garage. He (put) 3)______ back all the tools at their place. He (fix) 4) ___________ some broken machine and (paint) 5) __________ three old chairs. Then he (go) 6) _________ into the garden. He (plant) 7)_______ roses in new flowerpots and (water) 8) __________ them. Finally he (polish)
9) ________ his car. He(come) 10)_________ back into the house and (say) 11)________"I (finish) 12) ________ my spring cleaning!"
  My older brother (clean) 13)___________ the windows of the rooms upstairs. Then he (organize) 14)____________ all the stuff in his room. In a thick book he (find) 15)_________ some money and many old letters his girlfriend (write) 16) __________ to him the year before. He (sit) 17)___________ down on his bed and (read) 18) ________ them all and ……(fall) 19) __________ asleep.
My sister (prefer) 20) ________ to help downstairs. She (sweep) 21)_________ the floors and (dust) 22) _________ the furniture. Then she (scrub) 23) ____________ the kitchen sink. She also (decide) 24)_________ to clean the fridge but when  she (open) 25)_______ the  bottom drawer and (discover) 26)_______  a box of chocolates. She (take) 27)________ the box into the garden and (eat) 28)________ them one by one. Then she (be) 29)______ to full to do any more work!
  I being the youngest (tell) 30)__________ my mom I would take care of our dog's kennel. First I (wash) 31)_________ the walls and the floor of the kennel with soap. Then I (dry) 32)_________ it off with a clean towel. My dog (run) 33) _________ around me and (try) 34) ________ to catch the towel. So I (leave) 35)______ the kennel to dry in the sun and (play) 36) __________with Bonzo. I (teach) 37)________ him a new trick and (spend) 38)_________ a lovely time with him.
And my mom! She (work) 39)__________ hard all day. She (have) 40)_________ to do all the laundry. Then she (iron) 41)________ the dry clothes. She (drive) 42) _________ to the mall to buy some cloth and at home she (make) 43)__________ pretty new curtains for our kitchen.
At last the house is clean.  Last night mom (give) 44) ________ us all a big hug and (thank) 45)_________ us for helping. I (knew)
46) _________we could all have a rest till …. next spring!



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Word of the Month


(adj): Sacred, divine, blessed.

Holiday: a holy or festive day; a day off, vacation (also sacred)

Expressions: Holy Cow! Literally true in India.

Ex: Holly Mackerel! Delicious, healthy and full of mercury.

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