Monday, March 9, 2015

Idiomic Pairs #1

A couple weeks back I posted an article on 40 Brilliant Idioms That Simply Cant Be Translated. Today I want to look at idioms a little closer. Most idioms come in pairs, and make most sense when used together with one another; like peanut butter and jelly! No, all jokes aside, have a look at these pairs and see if you can recognise them - some are more common than others.

I will continue posting different pairs in the coming month. Its a good and fun way for you to practice your English in use! 

So, lets see our first pairs of idioms below:

   alive and kicking = in good health and active.
I got a letter from Ronald, he's alive and kicking, working for an insurance company.

   born and bred = born and educated.
Helen was born and bred in London, that's why she always carries an umbrella.

   bright and early = very early in the morning.
We have to leave bright and early if we want to arrive there by 10.

   cut and dried = final, decided (plans).
Our plan is cut and dried: first we are going to the cinema, and then to the restaurant.

   fair and square = in a fair way.
We will pay for our part, let's make it fair and square.

   high and dry = without any help.
She was left high and dry, but she managed to get on with her life.

   home and dry = sure of success.
If you study a lot, you will be home and dry for the final exam.

   on and on = without stopping.
I've been cleaning the house all morning, and I still have to go on and on to finish.

   rough and ready = not exact.
I don't understand much about grammar but I can give you a rough and ready explanation.

   round and round = in circles.
I started to feel sick, everything was going round and round in my head.

   safe and sound = unharmed.
After being away for five months, we arrived home safe and sound.

   short and sweet = without unnecesary details.
A long letter of complaint would be annoying, so when you write it, try to make it short and sweet.

   sick and tired = completely annoyed or tired of something/someone.
I'm sick and tired of hearing about your trip to Russia.

   wine and dine = have a meal with wine at a restaurant.
For our anniversary I think we could wine and dine at that new restaurant that opened last week.

Exercises: Idiomic Pairs #1

1. Please, Andrew, shut up! I'm really---------------------- of your excuses.

2. The boss promised all the employees to keep the meeting-------------------------------- .

3. Ingrid decided to get up---------------------------------- , ready to start a new day.

4. This test is only--------------------------------- a guide to the student's real knowledge.

5. She stared at the washing machine, just looking at the clothes going---------------------------- .

6. The beast was still---------------------------------- .

7. Honestly, we should admit that they won the competition-------------------------------- .

8. I don't think that this plan is as----------------------------------- as you think.

Answers will be posted tomorrow, so come have a look then!



Welcome to English at LERNFORUM Chur.  We teach English one to one or in small, personalised groups at every level and for every English language need. Cambridge and Swiss qualified, we're mother-language speaking, and most importantly, have a passion for helping you speak English.

Word of the Month


(adj): Sacred, divine, blessed.

Holiday: a holy or festive day; a day off, vacation (also sacred)

Expressions: Holy Cow! Literally true in India.

Ex: Holly Mackerel! Delicious, healthy and full of mercury.

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