Saturday, January 24, 2015

Word Order Practice for one and all (this practice 74 & 76)

Put the words in the correct order and write sentences in the correct tense.
Write positive or negative sentences or questions on a sheet of paper. 
Check your answers at the bottom of this post when you finish.


0. the/across/he/walk/street      past simple positive
He walked across the street.

1. love/eat/she/ice cream/every/night    present simple positive

2. they/walk/cinema/be    present continuous question

3. ride/bike/his/he/a /hole/through/big    past simple positive

4. go/holiday/we/on/our/be/grandparents/with    present continuous negative

5.  see/never/at the zoo/they/the baby elephant.  past simple

6. hate/milk/hot/my/I/cereal/in     present simple positive

7. drive/airport/they/to/the    past  simple question

8. she/letter/a/penfriend/to/write/her    past simple positive

SCROLL down for the answers.


1. She loves to eat ice cream every night.
2. Are they walking to the cinema?
3. He rode his bike through a big hole.
4. We aren't going on holiday with our grandparents.
5. They never saw the baby elephant at th3 zoo.
6. I hate hot milk in my cereal.
7. Did they drive to the airport?
8. She wrote a letter to her penfriend.

Page 76 Answers to handbook Prüfungsvorbereitung 3rd Gymnasium

1.       What did Pam throw into the water?

2.       What is the dog holding between its teeth?

3.       What has Maggie got?

4.       What did the children want?

5.       What is Billy writing after school?

6.       Who bought some oranges?                    

What did you(we) buy?

7.       What can you do alone?

8.       What time did she eat her lunch?

9.       What does Trish like?

10.   What are you good at playing?

11.   Who is a clever boy?

12.   When did mother shut the window?



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Word of the Month


(adj): Sacred, divine, blessed.

Holiday: a holy or festive day; a day off, vacation (also sacred)

Expressions: Holy Cow! Literally true in India.

Ex: Holly Mackerel! Delicious, healthy and full of mercury.

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