Monday, January 26, 2015

Conjunction: Practice!

Conjunctions in Sentences

Read the following sentences. Circle the conjunctions. Underline the words that the conjunctions connect together.

1. The music was loud and fast.
2. The harp player likes to play classical music and contemporary music.
3. The little boy jumped on the trampoline and sang at the top of his lungs.
4. Please put both the milk and the eggs in the refrigerator.
5. I have the 8 of Spades and the Jack of Hearts.
6. The car had orange and blue stripes.
7. Would you rather have a milkshake or an ice cream cone?
8. It will either be cloudy or sunny today.
9. The police lights were blue and red.
10.You can either stand up or sit down.
11.Please hand me the red book and the blue book.
12.Would you like the hammer or the screwdriver?

Missing Conjunctions

Choose the conjunction that best completes each sentence.

1. Mary Jane ____ her friend Amelia rode their bikes to school.
2. Ryan forgot his backpack at school, ___ he couldn’t do his homework.
3. The school bus driver wanted to turn right, ____ had to turn left instead.
4. The teacher wanted the students to do both math ____ science homework.
5. Would you rather work on math ___ science first?
6. Mark let his friends play with his bike, ____ not his basketball.

Sentence Drop Conjunctions

Instructions: Connect the words to make a sentence that makes sense. Always start at the top and work your way down.

have          has         been        
flower          flour         
and          but         
apples          sugar         
in          on         
Where          Who
 have          seen
Mary          you          me
have        been
awake?        Hiding?
Rivers         Lakes         Oceans
contain          consume
fish          cactus          apples
but          and        or
planets          plants
in         under       beneath

Combining Sentences with Conjunctions

Sentences can be combined with the word and.

If the two sentences have the same subject, you can combine the predicates.

Example: Mary rides her bike. Mary sings a song.
                        Mary rides her bike and sings a song.

If the two sentences have the same predicates, you can combine the subjects.
Example: Max loves to watch TV. Sam loves to watch TV.
                        Max and Sam love to watch TV.

Combine the two sentences into one with the word and.

1. Doug wants the remote control. Justin wants the remote control.


2. Shawn works hard. Shawn plays hard.


3. Patrick is very smart. Patrick knows a lot of facts.


4. Jessica loves to read books. Michelle loves to read books.


5. The turtle looked at the sky. The bear looked at the sky.


6. The fox is quick. The fox is clever.


7. Joseph is shy. Joseph is quiet.


Answers will be posted tomorrow :)



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Word of the Month


(adj): Sacred, divine, blessed.

Holiday: a holy or festive day; a day off, vacation (also sacred)

Expressions: Holy Cow! Literally true in India.

Ex: Holly Mackerel! Delicious, healthy and full of mercury.

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